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Umina Child Care Centre

Umina Child Care Centre’s learning environment is a respected third teacher with elements encompassing social, emotional and natural and made physical elements. Find out more about its stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments.

At Umina Child Care Centre we believe all children are capable learners deserving our respect and support and that play is an invaluable medium for learning.

Educators engage in intentional, deliberate and thoughtful teaching, responsive to the needs and interests of each child. We provide ample time in which children are able to discover, explore, imagine, problem solve, investigate and communicate. We create inviting and flexible physical spaces that promote engaged learning and strive to instil an appreciation for the natural world through provocative and engaging environments both indoors and outdoors.

We establish and maintain strong, respectful relationships with children, families and communities, acknowledging these relationships are essential to children’s learning and development.

It is important to acknowledge and respect the diverse cultures that are a strength of our community including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Empathy and respect for ourselves and others is essential to building a strong community.

What we provide

  • Friendly, highly qualified and experienced educators
  • Friendly and caring atmosphere
  • Nutritionally cooked meals where on-site caterer prepares a variety of delicious, healthy meals
  • Safe, convenient drop-off and pick-up areas with security access with PIN code
  • Access to Storypark app, a secure private online space where families and educators share information about children’s learning
  • School Transition Program with a focus on literacy and numeracy and a working relationship with our local primary schools
  • Quiet tranquil setting
  • Purpose built centre
  • Social calendar
  • Munch and Move program used to promote and support children’s health and wellbeing within our centre
  • Sun smart approved, a Cancer Council program to help minimise student and staff over-exposure to UV radiation and reduce the risk of skin cancer
  • Bush Kindy / Outside the Game Program, nature based learning with a focus on sustainability and nature based play
  • Membership with the Multicultural Resource Centre and an inclusive approach to cultural diversity
  • Strong community partnerships with regular outings into our community, including visits to our local library, post office, parks (nature walks) as well as community visitors, e.g. police, fire brigade and entertainer
  • Participation in the Early Learning Languages Australia program, where children learn a different language each year
  • Be You (Kids Matter) registered, promoting positive mental health for children and families
  • Curriculum follows the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), with its’ view of children’s lives as being represented by the concept of belonging, being and becoming
  • Free speech pathology service (NSW Health funded)

We are open from 7:30am-6pm, Monday to Friday.


On a quiet street and close to public transport, Umina Child Care Centre is located at 10 Australia Avenue, Umina.


Our indoor and outdoor learning environments ensure children are consistently engaged in learning. We provide all meals and ensure they are educational, nutritious and fun. 

Our rooms

Our centre features specialist rooms for infants and toddlers and those in their preschool years.

Lilly Pilly Room (for babies to two years old)

We appreciate our unique responsibility in sharing the very start of a child’s early childhood education and care experience as we know that learning begins at birth. We believe that children learn and develop best when supported in a safe and secure environment, so much care and attention is given to creating a calm and nurturing space.

Our focus is on developing strong relationships with children that allow them to explore their environment, engage confidently with others and just be who they are. We know that children belong first to their families and we strive to create for our families a sense of belonging to our room. We acknowledge that routines such as feeding, resting and nappy changing are significant elements of the daily programme. We ensure these experiences offer positive opportunities for learning and social engagement.

Bottlebrush Room (for 2-3 year-olds)

The Bottlebrush Room is filled with happy and adventurous two to three year-olds, eager to learn about and explore the world around them. In this age group the children begin to form friendships with each other whilst learning about how to use their words to interact, negotiate and problem solve in a caring and respectful way.

With their familiar educators alongside them guiding and role modelling important life skills the Bottlebrush children also begin to learn how to share and take turns through play or in group activities. Gaining independence - through starting to toilet train, serving their fruit, putting on their socks and shoes to recognising their own belongings - are important self-help skills that the children begin to develop. All of these skills help to build the children’s confidence and self-esteem along with their social and emotional wellbeing.

There is also time for lots of uninterrupted play both indoors and outdoors where they can explore, investigate and be creative using natural, recycled and manmade items. The educators within the room use intentional and purposeful teaching strategies to scaffold the children’s learning along with engaging them in conversations, thus enabling the children’s voices to be heard.

Wattle Room (3 years old to school age)

In the Wattle Room the educators facilitate a child-led curriculum, where teachable moments are identified and acted upon as children engage within a play based environment. We aim to support children’s social and emotional development by encouraging them to express their feelings and to develop their sense of self with competence and confidence.

Within our curriculum we like to incorporate programmes such as the ‘Safe 4 Kids Protective Education programme’ and the ‘Social Skills PALS programme’ to teach children about socially appropriate and protective behaviours. We also encourage children to continue to develop their self-help skills including toileting, dressing self and looking after their own belongings. Children are encouraged to seek guidance from an educator if they need assistance during the day.

Our daily programme supports sustainable practices including composting, caring for our vegetable garden and recycling. Child input and parent participation in our daily programme is valued as children’s interests are respectfully documented in our classroom projects where learning concepts of numeracy, literacy, science and technology are covered.

Our educators

As educators, we aim to model and inspire a lifelong love of learning by continually building upon professional knowledge. We reflect on ourselves as educators through developing an ever-increasing awareness of differing perspectives and theories about children’s learning, development and teaching strategies.

Our principles and practices are informed and guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). We recognise that the rights of the child are paramount and with this in mind, offer a safe, caring, inclusive and positive environment for all children.

Call today to arrange a tour

Families are welcome to visit the centre and take part in the many events and information sessions. The school transition programme is implemented by trained and experienced educators which ensure that the transition to school is smooth for children and families.

For all enquiries or to make an appointment, contact Umina Child Care Centre on 4342 3633 or call our Support Services Team on 4350 5181.


Enquire Now or call us on 4350 5181

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